


French Ministry of Eco & Finance Bruno Lemaire (Source: France Info Caption)
Former Russian Pres. Medvedev
(Source: Facebook)
USPA NEWS - French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire during a TV interview (France Info, TV), declared an "all-out economic and financial war" against Russia today, Tuesday 1 March, morning live, (8:30 am CEST). The French minister Lemaire was answering the two journalists Salhia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle during an interviewed amid the sanctions packages as proving "extremely effective". He actually, meant the collapse of the Russian economy as a penalty for its invasion of Ukraine that occurred last Thursday 24 February. Bruno Lemaire had also explained that the news “The sanctions will be applied until Vladimir Putin returns to better intentions in Ukraine. The United States and Europe together are by far the most powerful economic and financial continent on the planet,” he explained. By midday, (at 12: 20 am, 3 hours after the Lemaire’s interview), Former Russian President, Dimitri Medvedev, sent a prompt (at Midday, 3 hours after the Lemaire’s interview) and severe response in his twitter account, to the French Minister of Economy &Finance, Bruno Lemaire, over As a prompt reaction, threatening France, of « real war » in response, and consequence, to « economic war ».

SWIFT International Secured payement
Source: Wikimedia
FRENCH MIN. OF ECO & FINANCE BRUNO LEMAIRE SAID « ALL OUT ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL WAR ON RUSSIA » French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire during a TV interview (France Info, TV), declared an "all-out economic and financial war" against Russia today, Tuesday 1 March, morning live, (8:30am CEST). The French minister Lemaire was answering the two journalists Salhia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle during an interviewed amid the sanctions packages as proving "extremely effective". He actually, meant the collapse of the Russian economy as a penalty for its invasion of Ukraine that occurred last Thursday 24 February. Bruno Lemaire had also explained that the news “The sanctions will be applied until Vladimir Putin returns to better intentions in Ukraine. The United States and Europe together are by far the most powerful economic and financial continent on the planet,” he explained.----------------------------------------- Bruno Lemaire had also insisted on the targets of the financial sanctions targeting the Russian oligarchs, and having set up a “task force to identify all the Russian oligarchs” in France, and thus freeze and above all “seize the assets”. He also promised to “touch the heart of Russian power.” As for the question of gas prices, the prices of which have increased since the beginning of the armed conflict, in Ukraine, Bruno Lemaire replied “I would like the price shield to be extended” around gas, says Bruno Le Maire. “Our responsibility is to protect individuals”, adds the minister, who announces a “tariff shield for certain companies”. Regarding the ban of broadcasting on European territory for the two Russian media, RT and Sputnik, the Minister of French Economy Brno Lemaire replied "When you wage a war of response to a State that attacks you, it is better to avoid Propaganda. Democracies have been too naive in the face of the rise of totalitarian regimes.” Indeed, the West, (U.S.A and the E.U countries, and other Allies, mainly), but also, Switzerland, as well, have banned Russian Banks (70%) including and the Central Bank of Russia, from the International Secure Message Payment called SWIFT, which have cause so far : "A certain French minister said today that they had declared economic war on us. Pay attention to your speech, gentlemen! And do not forget that economic wars in the history of mankind have often turned into real wars", in response to the words of Minister Bruno Lemaire who had said: "We want to target the heart of the Russian system, continued the Minister of Economy, we are targeting Vladimir Putin, we are targeting the oligarchs, but we are also targeting all the Russian economy. And the Russian people will also pay the consequences. We cannot do otherwise." Before completing his remarks with "We are going to wage a total economic and financial war on Russia". Indeed, the terms of the French Minister, Bruno Lemaire, pronounced during this live stream interview, on France Info (State French Television), had caused a shock wave within the government and very lively reactions, published by many media , French and international during the whole morning.
Bruno Lemaire Itvw, Tweet Medvedev
Source: TV Caption
DMITRI MEDVEDEV FORMER RUSSIAN PRESIDNET RESPONDED PROMPTLY TO FRENCH MIN. OF ECO & FINANCE BRUNO LEMAIRE AND THREATENS FRANCE OF “REAL WAR” By midday, (at 12: 20 am, 3 hours after the Lemaire’s interview), Former Russian President, Dimitri Medvedev, sent a prompt (at Midday, 3 hours after the Lemaire’s interview) and severe response in his twitter account, to the French Minister of Economy &Finance, Bruno Lemaire, over As a prompt reaction, threatening France, of « real war » in response, and consequence, to « economic war ».« Today, some French minister has said that they declared an economic war on Russia. Watch your tongue, gentlemen! And don’t forget that in human history, economic wars quite often turned into real ones » ../
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